shell http


Welcome to the CSFloat API! You can use our API to access CSFloat API endpoints such as market listings, inspect link retrieval, and more!

You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.


CSFloat uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register a new CSFloat API key on your profile under the "developer" tab.

CSFloat API expects for the API key to be included in most API requests. Endpoints that require an API Key will state so. The authorization header should look like the following:

Authorization: <API-KEY>


Get All Listings

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": "324288155723370196",
    "created_at": "2021-06-13T20:45:21.311794Z",
    "type": "buy_now",
    "price": 260000,
    "state": "listed",
    "seller": {
        "avatar": "",
        "flags": 435,
        "online": true,
        "stall_public": true,
        "statistics": {
            "median_trade_time": 236,
            "total_failed_trades": 0,
            "total_trades": 24,
            "total_verified_trades": 24
        "steam_id": "76561198084749846",
        "username": "Step7750"
    "item": {
        "asset_id": "22547095285",
        "def_index": 16,
        "paint_index": 449,
        "paint_seed": 700,
        "float_value": 0.02796577662229538,
        "icon_url": "-9a81dlWLwJ2UUGcVs_nsVtzdOEdtWwKGZZLQHTxDZ7I56KU0Zwwo4NUX4oFJZEHLbXH5ApeO4YmlhxYQknCRvCo04DEVlxkKgpou-6kejhjxszYfi5H5di5mr-HnvD8J_WCkmkEvp0pi7zDodv3jAHj-UM5ZGr7INfHJAc9MlzV-FK_kO281pa_ot2XnrA-A3kA",
        "d_param": "17054198177995786400",
        "is_stattrak": false,
        "is_souvenir": false,
        "rarity": 5,
        "quality": 4,
        "market_hash_name": "M4A4 | Poseidon (Factory New)",
        "stickers": [
                "stickerId": 1060,
                "slot": 3,
                "icon_url": "columbus2016/nv_holo.fbbf7dc3ef16ade69ac294589fbe97f0a3169003.png",
                "name": "Sticker | Team EnVyUs (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016",
                "scm": {
                    "price": 736,
                    "volume": 1
        "tradable": 0,
        "inspect_link": "steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S76561198084749846A22547095285D17054198177995786400",
        "has_screenshot": true,
        "scm": {
            "price": 175076,
            "volume": 0
        "item_name": "M4A4 | Poseidon",
        "wear_name": "Factory New",
        "description": "It has been custom painted with a depiction of a battle between Pisces and Poseidon.\\n\\n<i>Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead</i>",
        "collection": "The Gods and Monsters Collection",
        "badges": []
    "is_seller": false,
    "min_offer_price": 221000,
    "max_offer_discount": 1500,
    "is_watchlisted": false,
    "watchers": 0

This endpoint retrieves all active listings on CSFloat Market.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
page 0 Which page of listings to start from
limit 50 How many listings to return. Max of 50.
sort_by best_deal How to order the listings. Can be one of:
  • lowest_price
  • highest_price
  • most_recent
  • expires_soon
  • lowest_float
  • highest_float
  • best_deal
  • highest_discount
  • float_rank
  • num_bids
category 0 Can be one of: 0 = any, 1 = normal, 2 = stattrak, 3 = souvenir
def_index Only include listings that have a one of the given def index(es)
min_float Only include listings that have a float higher than this
max_float Only include listings that have a float lower than this
rarity Only include listings that have this rarity
paint_seed Only include listings that have this paint seed
paint_index Only include listings that have this paint index
user_id Only include listings from this SteamID64
collection Only include listings from this collection (ie. set_bravo_ii, derived from the schema)
min_price Only include listings have a price higher than this (in cents)
max_price Only include listings have a price lower than this (in cents)
market_hash_name Only include listings that have this market hash name
type Either buy_now or auction
stickers Must be in the form: ID|POSITION?[,ID|POSITION?...]. Position being the sticker slot on the weapon.

Get a Specific Listing

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": "324288155723370196",
    "created_at": "2021-06-13T20:45:21.311794Z",
    "type": "buy_now",
    "price": 260000,
    "state": "listed",
    "seller": {
        "avatar": "",
        "flags": 435,
        "online": true,
        "stall_public": true,
        "statistics": {
            "median_trade_time": 236,
            "total_failed_trades": 0,
            "total_trades": 24,
            "total_verified_trades": 24
        "steam_id": "76561198084749846",
        "username": "Step7750"
    "item": {
        "asset_id": "22547095285",
        "def_index": 16,
        "paint_index": 449,
        "paint_seed": 700,
        "float_value": 0.02796577662229538,
        "icon_url": "-9a81dlWLwJ2UUGcVs_nsVtzdOEdtWwKGZZLQHTxDZ7I56KU0Zwwo4NUX4oFJZEHLbXH5ApeO4YmlhxYQknCRvCo04DEVlxkKgpou-6kejhjxszYfi5H5di5mr-HnvD8J_WCkmkEvp0pi7zDodv3jAHj-UM5ZGr7INfHJAc9MlzV-FK_kO281pa_ot2XnrA-A3kA",
        "d_param": "17054198177995786400",
        "is_stattrak": false,
        "is_souvenir": false,
        "rarity": 5,
        "quality": 4,
        "market_hash_name": "M4A4 | Poseidon (Factory New)",
        "stickers": [
                "stickerId": 1060,
                "slot": 3,
                "icon_url": "columbus2016/nv_holo.fbbf7dc3ef16ade69ac294589fbe97f0a3169003.png",
                "name": "Sticker | Team EnVyUs (Holo) | MLG Columbus 2016",
                "scm": {
                    "price": 736,
                    "volume": 1
        "tradable": 0,
        "inspect_link": "steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S76561198084749846A22547095285D17054198177995786400",
        "has_screenshot": true,
        "scm": {
            "price": 175076,
            "volume": 0
        "item_name": "M4A4 | Poseidon",
        "wear_name": "Factory New",
        "description": "It has been custom painted with a depiction of a battle between Pisces and Poseidon.\\n\\n<i>Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead</i>",
        "collection": "The Gods and Monsters Collection",
        "badges": []
    "is_seller": false,
    "min_offer_price": 221000,
    "max_offer_discount": 1500,
    "is_watchlisted": false,
    "watchers": 0

This endpoint retrieves the details for a specific listing, regardless of whether it is "active" or "in-active" (ie. state != listed).

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the listing to retrieve

List an item

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: <API-KEY>; Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"asset_id": 21078095468, "type": "buy_now", "price": 8900, "description": "Just for show", "private": false}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": "292312870132253796",
    "created_at": "2021-03-17T15:06:59.155367Z",
    "type": "buy_now",
    "price": 8900,
    "description": "Just for show",
    "state": "listed",
    "seller": {
        "flags": 48,
        "obfuscated_id": "9169061817522033479",
        "online": false,
        "stall_public": false,
        "statistics": {
            "median_trade_time": 305,
            "total_failed_trades": 0,
            "total_trades": 13,
            "total_verified_trades": 13
    "item": {
        "asset_id": "21078095468",
        "def_index": 60,
        "paint_index": 77,
        "paint_seed": 346,
        "float_value": 0.26253828406333923,
        "icon_url": "-9a81dlWLwJ2UUGcVs_nsVtzdOEdtWwKGZZLQHTxDZ7I56KU0Zwwo4NUX4oFJZEHLbXH5ApeO4YmlhxYQknCRvCo04DEVlxkKgpou-6kejhz2v_Nfz5H_uO-jb-NmOXxIK_ulGRD7cR9teTE8YXghRrhrRBrMWD7coCQegU6aQyE_gC6xOi6gJC5tJTMn3BqvyNztH_VnRS-n1gSOeVXeHpm",
        "d_param": "721253437254664138",
        "is_stattrak": false,
        "is_souvenir": false,
        "rarity": 2,
        "quality": 4,
        "market_hash_name": "M4A1-S | Boreal Forest (Field-Tested)",
        "stickers": [
                "stickerId": 55,
                "slot": 0,
                "icon_url": "emskatowice2014/fnatic.7f37dae42f8afbd799b89f77334be023368ba27a.png",
                "name": "Sticker | Fnatic | Katowice 2014",
                "scm": {
                    "price": 41000,
                    "volume": 0
                "stickerId": 55,
                "slot": 1,
                "wear": 0.09002881,
                "icon_url": "emskatowice2014/fnatic.7f37dae42f8afbd799b89f77334be023368ba27a.png",
                "name": "Sticker | Fnatic | Katowice 2014",
                "scm": {
                    "price": 41000,
                    "volume": 0
                "stickerId": 73,
                "slot": 2,
                "wear": 0.21217501,
                "icon_url": "emskatowice2014/reason.d48f01f2758c2852ef32a68c49f7039ce211500a.png",
                "name": "Sticker | Reason Gaming | Katowice 2014",
                "scm": {
                    "price": 118625,
                    "volume": 0
                "stickerId": 73,
                "slot": 3,
                "icon_url": "emskatowice2014/reason.d48f01f2758c2852ef32a68c49f7039ce211500a.png",
                "name": "Sticker | Reason Gaming | Katowice 2014",
                "scm": {
                    "price": 118625,
                    "volume": 0
        "tradable": 0,
        "has_screenshot": true,
        "scm": {
            "price": 11,
            "volume": 0
        "item_name": "M4A1-S | Boreal Forest",
        "wear_name": "Field-Tested",
        "description": "It has been painted using a forest camouflage hydrographic.\\n\\n<i>The woods can be a dangerous place... never travel alone</i>",
        "collection": "The Italy Collection",
        "badges": []
    "is_seller": false,
    "min_offer_price": 7565,
    "max_offer_discount": 1500,
    "is_watchlisted": false,
    "watchers": 0

This endpoint lists the item specified by asset_id. Requires an authorization header.

HTTP Request


Body Parameters

Parameter Default Description Optional
type buy_now Either buy_now or auction YES
asset_id The ID of the item to list NO
price Either the buy_now price or the current bid or reserve price on an auction NO (if buy_now)
max_offer_discount Set in user profile buy_now max discount for an offer. This will override the default set in your profile. YES
reserve_price auction start price NO (if auction)
duration_days auction duration in days. Can be: 1, 3, 5, 7, or 14 NO (if auction)
description User defined description. Max characters of 180. YES
private false If true, will hide listings from public searches YES


The Kittn API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.